The Most Underrated Player in the NBA Today

There is always an ongoing debate about the best point guards of the league. We have seen an increase in great guard play over the last 6 or so years and they are for the most part the ones with the greatest responsibility on the team. The point guards are expected to keep the offense…

The Star Nobody Appreciates

James Harden is hated. A lot. It never really hit me until today when the All NBA Teams were announced. I had expected Harden to be on there so at first glance I initially looked past it, but then when someone brought it to my attention I went on a mini rant. James Harden put…

1st round of the playoffs: the good, the bad, and the ugly

The first round of the NBA playoffs is officially over and the conference semifinals are underway. The first round wasn’t pretty by any stretch of the imagination. There were awful blowouts and injuries killed teams like the Celtics, Mavericks, Grizzlies, and the Clippers. Here are the good, the bad, and the ugly from each series…