Why Cavs and Warriors Round 3 is Good for the NBA

Ever since former MVP and 4 time scoring champion, Kevin Durant, left his Oklahoma City Thunder and signed with the Golden State Warriors, the Dubs had all but clinched a third straight Finals berth. Their only real competition would have been Durant’s Thunder but the future Hall of Famer’s departure made Golden State’s path to…

The 5 Greatest Finals Performances of All Time

The NBA Finals is where legends are born. They’re where a player can truly make his mark on NBA history and solidify his greatness, or show the world that they can’t perform where it truly matters, when the NBA Championship is at stake. We will be looking at the best performances in the championship series, but it…

A Discussion on Analytics – Casual Fan vs Expert

There’s always this immediate scoffing towards analytics. I’m not even referring to the stuff that takes these massive formulas to make such as usage percentage, win shares, etc. (We’ll get to those at some point.) Many of the analytics scoffed at are things such as points per possession on ISO plays or the fact that…

One Free Agent Each Team Should Sign

Now that the draft has concluded and some moves were made that have some teams looking much different than they did a week ago, we look to free agency, beginning at 12:01 AM on July 1st. Every team needs an upgrade somewhere, whether it’s a star center or a backup point guard. I’m going to…

Top 100 NBA Players of All Time (21-30)

30. Patrick Ewing Previous Rank: 37 Best Season:28.6 pts 10.9 reb 4.0 blk FG%.551 PER: 25.8 Career:21.0 pts 9.8 reb 2.4 blk FG%.504 PER: 21.0 Peak:4 Years 1988-92 25.5 pts 10.6 rebs 2.4 asts 1.1 stls 3.4 blks 53.7%FG PER 23.6 47.4 win shares Accolades:11x AllStar (’86,’88-’97) 7x All-NBA Team (’88-’93,’97) 3x All-Defensive Team (’88-’89,’92)…

Top 100 NBA Players of All Time (31-40)

40. Bob McAdoo Best Season:31.1 pts 12.4 rebs 4.0 asts 48.7%FG PER 23.3 12.3 win shares Career:22.1 pts 9.4 rebs 2.3 asts 50.3%FG PER 20.7 Peak:3 Years 1973-76 32.1 pts 13.8 rebs 2.8 asts 1.2 stls 1.5 blks 51.4%FG PER 24.6 Accolades:2x NBA champion(’82,’85) MVP (’75) 5x All Star (’74-’78) 2x All NBA Team (’74-’75)…

Top 100 NBA Players of All Time (61-70)

70. Alex English Best Season:28.7 pts 4.8 rebs 3.8 asts 50.4%FG Career:24.2 pts 6.2 rebs 4.1 asts 50.7%FG Peak:5 years 1982-87 27.8 pts 5.5 rebs 4.6 asts 51.4%FG Accolades:8x All Star (’82-’89) 3x All NBA Team (’82-’83,’89) Scoring Champion (’83) Alex English was a scoring machine that brought the Denver Nuggets to prominence. He led…

Sports Questions and Answers with Adam #1

  Yesterday (I’m writing this on 6/22) I said on Twitter to ask any sports questions and I’d answer as many as I could. The questions can be about baseball, basketball or football. I’m going to try and group similar questions together. Let’s get started. The topic asked about most is the NBA Draft, which…